Health and Ecology: Less Pollution (HELP)

Aims and Objectives of HELP:

  • To ensure young people understanding of negative environmental impact of improper human activities
  • To ensure the exchange of ideas related to pollution young people from different countries have
  • To ensure that young people feel responsible for their own actions in relation to pollution
  • To encourage young people to understand the importance of ecology for their health
  • To create awareness of EU citizenship among young people
  • To enhance the experience and awareness of European culture for young people
  • To develop the project participants’ English language, digital, communication and social skills
  • To discover more opportunities for future co-operations and projects within Erasmus+

A1-Advanced Planning Visit (Reykjavik – ICELAND): 26-27 September 2017

A2-YOUTH EXCHANGE (Siauliai – LITHUANIA): 15-21 October 2017
Aim: To bring awareness on Pollution – environmental problems in one’s surrounding, responsible behavior towards tackling the problem of pollution

A3-YOUTH EXCHANGE (Östre-Gausdal – NORWAY): 08-14 April 2018
Aim: To bring awareness on Ecological products – analyzing traditional dishes of each participating country within the aspect of healthy/ecological ingredients and finding possible healthier substitutes: revising the significance and impact of healthy diet

A4-YOUTH EXCHANGE (Puerto de la Cruz – Tenerife, Spain): 22-30 September 2018
Aim: To bring awareness on Recycling – understanding the benefits of reusing and recycling as a means to deal with consumerism in the aspect of saving environment; creative activities as an educational and social inclusion tool, the benefits of reusing to reduce pollution and ensure the development of more environment-conscious habits within the communities

Participants: 9 participants from each country from Iceland, Lithuania, Norway and Spain/Tenerife, total of 36 participants – 2 group leaders and 7 young participants (aged 17-25) will be selected to participate in each Youth Exchange.

Menntaskólinn á Tröllaskaga
Siauliu “Romuvos” gimnazija
Gausdal Videregaende Skole, Pierre de Coubertin