Learning Empowerment. Achieving Results Now (LEARN)

Co-funded: European Union, Erasmus+ Program – Key Action 1, Mobility of young people

Period: 01.05.2020 – 31.12.2022

The main objective of LEARN is to increase among the youngsters the knowledge of different learning styles, to improve their academic performance, to be more productive in their studies. The aim of the project is to facilitate the meeting between different groups of youngsters of different European cultures and countries, where to be involved in a process in which to get to know the different learning styles, to share their culture, experiences and ideas and to discover themselves as the creators of their own knowledge. This is fundamental for the long-life learning and which takes place in different contexts – formal, no-formal and informal. It involves the ability to initiate, organize and persevere in the learning process.

Expected results:

  • 37 youngsters of 4 European countries with an improved set of competences;
  • An youth exchange of 7 days, with 37 youngsters and 5 groups leaders from 4 European countries, involved in a learning process with non-formal education methodology, based on exchanging ideas and experiences;
  • 100 youngsters from the 4 participant countries in the project involved in self-analysis of their learning processes, with the aim of increasing their self-awareness and learning performance.
    LEARN wants to provide the young participants a series of tools and skills that will be useful in their next university studies, as well as of vital importance for their future profession and as an active member in society. Learning how the knowledge is created once it enters in our brain from our environment is vital to one’s self-awareness and in successfully reaching the academic objectives. This means that all the participants will get to know and control their own learning processes to adjust them to the times and demands of the tasks and activities that lead to meaningful learning. The competence to learn to learn leads to an increasingly effective and autonomous learning.

Main activity:

The project proposes a cultural and learning exchange between various groups of youngsters from different parts of Europe: Romania, Italy, Portugal and Spain. Will involve 37 young people which are finishing their upper-secondary education and will soon start their university studies. During the European exchange we will treat carefully each of the ways people use to consciously create knowledge and in this manner generate meaningful learning, based on self-reflection and exchange of ideas and experiences.



Associazione Culturale Mastronauta, Italy